Friday night:
The group gathered in the Hospitality Room to partake in the various snacks (a lot of peanuts and mixed nuts for certain unnamed people) furnished by Ron. In fact Ron had to make a couple of unscheduled trips to the local nut store for resupplies. Since the Chapter no longer furnishes the “Hard Stuff”, the only furnished “Hard Stuff” was soft drinks and water.
There were a multitude of good restaurants within walking distance of the Hospitality Room so dinner was on your own. Ron's comment was apropos for the dining excursions: If you can’t find you’re type of restaurant within walking distance of the hotel, you’re choice of cuisine is too exotic for Knoxville.
The attendance at this meeting was very low. In fact if it weren’t for the “Proxies”, we wouldn't have been able to have a business meeting. However the seven Proxies gave us enough members to conduct a business meeting.
Once again, Robert Smith, our President, asked for a volunteer to fill Sid Morgan’s seat as Secretary. And, as in prior meetings, there were no volunteers. Sid repeated his stance as Secretary. “Other commitments are forcing him to step down as Secretary.” He would handle only the minutes of the meeting.
We had a heated debate over the Scholarship Award for this year. The end result was one of our members decided to drop out of the Chapter. A loss we should not have had.
Dinner was on your own again but it was let known there would be an auction at 1900 hours in the Hospitality room. Unfortunately, Saturday night is a busy restaurant night in Knoxville and the auction didn’t start until 2000 hours.
Our Auctioneer Extraordinaire, Stan Shank, did not attend the meeting, but Bill Phipps, took the gavel and pounded his way through the various items for sale. At the end of the auction, the Shcholarship Fund was increased by $580.
There were also two anonymous donations. A $100 donation In Memory of SP4 Jules Girtanner and SFC Donald Lehew, SFODA-427, KIA Oct. 1966. These two men were on his team. The second donation of $150 In Memory Of James B. (Jim) Rawlinson, died 23 Jan 2019.
The group gathered in the breakfast room to partake of waffles, scambled eggs, coffee, and other assorted items. We chatted over multiple cups of coffee and then prepared for the long, medium or short drive home.
Our Fall meeting will be in Crossville, Tennessee, on 27-29 September 2019. You can get the information on the chapter website bulletin board.
All members of the Special Forces family are invited to our meetings. Anyone interested can click on the link above to access the Chapter Bulletin Board.
A few photos were taken and are placed on this page for your viewing pleasure.
Remember! Our meetings are BYOB (Bring Your Own Bottle). Chapter XXXIII no longer furnishes the hard stuff. All alcohol beverages are the responsibility of each member. The Chapter will furnish the soft drinks and water.
You can return to the meeting list by clicking on the icon on the left or view the photos from this meeting by clicking on the icon on the right. Either way, hope you enjoyed your stay with our June Summer meeting.