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Spring Chapter Meeting

Knoxville, Tennessee

   1–3 April 2022

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Chapter XXXIII celebrated the awakening of 2022 with it's Spring Meeting on 1-3 April 2022 at the Best Western Plus hotel in Knoxville, TN. This was the first time the Best Western Plus was host to our chapter since sometime in 1990's. And like our last meeting of 2021, the Best Western Plus was also host to the local high school baseball tournament. However, unlike the Winter Meeting of 2021, we were not relegated to a small hospitality room. Which was very fortunate since we had about 30 members, wives or girlfriends at this meeting. Ron Bruce was the host for this meeting.

The Hospitality room on Friday night was quiet as usual. Most members would arrive on Saturday for the fun and games. The Chesapeake Restaurant was the choice for our Friday night dinner. The meal was great, the service excellent, and the manager greeted us with an offer we couldn’t refuse--- dessert of our choice on the house.

Saturday, for the ladies, was the day to visit the local boutiques in search of that elusive item for which they had been searching for months.

It was also the day for members to take a nostalgic trip down memory lane and re-live old stories of 20-30 years ago and partake in the lunch of assorted cold cuts, potato salad, chips, and the choice of homemade coffee cake or cheesecake. And, of course, the Chapter business meeting.

Robert Smith, our President, gaveled the business meeting open at 1:30 pm. The new Chapter officers, Ridge Marriott, Vice President, and Dan Orange, Secretary, were sworn in. Chapter President nominations were opened; however, nary a sound was heard. Robert reluctantly agreed to remain in the President’s position.

SGM Phill Hanson and his wife, Bryan, were guests for the weekend. Phill is a member of Chapter 17 in Maggie Valley, NC. They enjoyed the weekend so much they decided on a return ingagement to our Fall meeting in August. Phill commented about our meetings covering a weekend instead of a couple of hours. Forty-eight hours allowed more time for socializing.

The last activity on Saturday night was the Chapter Auction. Our Vice President, Ridge Marriott, was Auctioneer de Jour. The auction filled the Chapter’s coffers and offered a pleasant end to the day. Many auction items were on the table, but the highlight was two pint jars of hand-packed walnut pieces going for $210. Of course, there is always the mystery item. Sid Morgan bought that package this time. And once again, the bloomers, the size of a garrison flag, was the mystery item. Sid was overheard commenting about how this item might also make a return engagement. Bidder beware.

And, like all good things, this gathering ended on Sunday, 3 April 2022. We gathered in the dining room for breakfast and coffee and bid each other a safe journey home. Many members live in and around Knoxville, but a few have a 6-8 hour drive home.

Our next meeting will be on 12-14 August 2022 at the Best Western Plus in Knoxville, TN. Ron Bruce has once again volunteered to host this get-together. The Chapter website: will have meeting information.

As always, Chapter XXXIII welcomes any member of the SFA family to join us at our meetings.

A few photos were taken and are placed on this page for your viewing pleasure.

Remember! Our meetings are BYOB (Bring Your Own Booze). Chapter XXXIII no longer furnishes the hard stuff. All alcoholic beverages are the responsibility of each member. The Chapter will provide ice, soft drinks and water.

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