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Winter Chapter Meeting

Knoxville, Tennessee

   3–5 December 2021

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Chapter XXXIII closed out 2021 with its final meeting on 3-5 December at the Baymont Suites in Knoxville, TN. Knoxville hosted a large LaCross tournament that weekend, and forty young ladies and their coaches were also booked at the Baymont Suites. There was a conflict over which group took the hospitality room. The LaCross team won.

We were hoping for a larger turnout at the final meeting of 2021, but only 14 members were able to make this gathering. Our chapter is spread across the Southeast and as far north as Alaska. Unfortunately, we’re not getting any younger, and making the trip to attend a weekend meeting is almost a chore for some. But, as luck would have it, we had enough members present to hold our one and only business meeting for the year. SFA requires each chapter to hold at least one business meeting a year to remain a viable chapter and send the minutes of that meeting to National. Sid’s last official duty will be to send that document to the SFA.

The new Scholarship committee members were chosen, and Sid Morgan finally got his wish about dropping the title of Chapter Secretary. He has done a great job as Secretary for multiple terms (how many, we lost count). The Chapter appreciates his willingness to remain as Secretary until someone was elected to fill that position. Daniel Orange volunteered to relieve Sid. His name was quickly tossed into the empty box for candidates, voted on, and elected to occupy the seat at the next meeting. Sid will be on hand to assist our new Secretary if needed.

Knoxville, TN, is now the official home of Chapter XXXIII. Most members live within 30-70 miles of the city, and there are several excellent hotels the chapter can use for our meetings. The city also has many great restaurants within walking distance of any hotel we decide to stay at. This action of using Knoxville as our primary location does not preclude anyone who wishes to host a meeting from doing so.

Chapter XXXIII lost another member in October 2021. CSM Charles G (Charlie) Ponds died. He had been in poor health for several years. We will miss his jovial presence.

And, like all good things, this gathering ended on Sunday, 5 December 2021. We gathered in the dining room for breakfast and coffee and to bid a safe journey home to each other. Many members lived in and around Knoxville. A few will make the trip home in 6-8 hours, while it will take at least two days for a couple of others.

Our next meeting is scheduled for 1-3 April 2022 at the Best Western Plus in Knoxville, TN. Ron Bruce has once again volunteered to host this get-together. The information is posted on the Chapter website:

As always, any member of the SFA family is welcome to join us at our meetings.

A few photos were taken and are placed on this page for your viewing pleasure.

Remember! Our meetings are BYOB (Bring Your Own Booze). Chapter XXXIII no longer furnishes the hard stuff. All alcoholic beverages are the responsibility of each member. The Chapter will provide soft drinks and water.

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