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Spring Chapter Meeting

East Ellijay, Georgia

10–12 February 2023

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As they say around the coffee tables in the TV studios, Chapter XXXIII's first meeting of the New Year is in the can. It was one for the books. Our attendance exceeded the number of rooms reserved for the first time in many years. The Weatherman (or is it Person), however, wasn’t too friendly. The red line on the thermometer hovered close to 30 degrees for the weekend. The rains stayed away on Friday but descended with fury on Saturday.

Rose Daves, the meeting host, filled the Team Room with a large assortment of chips, dips, munchies, and whatnots in anticipation of early arrivals.

The Team Room was packed to overfilling by 1800 hours. A couple of us decided to try our luck at the various local eateries. Someone mentioned an excellent restaurant a few miles from the hotel. We followed the directions to a tee and found the restaurant. It was closed. Breakfast and lunch only. Closes at 2 PM daily. Our next attempt at an eatery was Long Horns. The line waiting for a table circled the building four times. Not to fret! The large assortments of chips, dips, munchies, and whatnots, back at the Team Room didn't really seem that bad...and it was free.

For once, the Friday night gang didn't close the Team Room at 10 PM. Some of us lasted until almost midnight. Another first in a long, long time.

Saturday morning was overcast and cold. Thor and his henchmen (or is it henchpersons?) were settling in for a protracted schedule. Still, the ladies had their preplanned events of the day. Robert Smith, our President; Ridge Marriott, our Vice President; and myself, Chapter Treasurer, had visited the Wells Fargo bank in Canton, Georgia. Ridge had to add his name to the checking account, and Robert had to remove his name from said account. We needed to find out where the bank was or how long it would take us to find it, so we left at 9 AM to make a 33-mile trip to Canton.

Lunch was served at noon. As usual, the platters of cold cuts and cheeses vanished almost as soon as they were put out. The luncheon and all other assorted goodies cost $15 per person. This price has survived all madness of the economy since 1980. The Chapter used to serve the hard stuff, and the price included that, but we stopped the liquor business a few years ago.

Robert Smith, our President, gaveled the business meeting open at 1:00 PM. Each officer gave their report. Dan Orange, Chapter Secretary, reported that the Chapter had gleaned four new members. However, they were visibly absent from the meeting.
On a somber note, Ridge, Chapter VP, informed the chapter that Jimmy Stewart passed away on 16 January 2023. Jimmy was a member of this Chapter dating back to the 1980s. Many of us knew Jimmy, and his wife, Cara, back in the old 77th and original 10th Groups. His passing will help close the door to a fascinating era for the Special Forces.

Once again, nominations for Chapter Officers were opened, and the room was as quiet as a church mouse on Sunday. I wonder if the members in attendance don't want to be involved with any elected office. Maybe they realize how old they are and wonder how long it'll be before they join Jimmy and the Great Jumpmaster upstairs.

All old and new business was completed, and around 2:30 PM, Robert called for a motion to adjourn, which was quickly motioned and seconded.

Rose had made arraignments with the local American Legion chapter to allow us to partake in their Saturday night festivities, which included grilled steak with all the trimmings. The celebrations were supposed to start at 5:30 PM and stop at 7 PM. However, the chapter never follows a tight rein. So our auction started an hour or so later.

And the last activity for the evening was the Chapter Auction in the Team Room. Our Vice President, Ridge Marriott, was Auctioneer de Jour.

If you remember correctly, Robert Smith ended up with 5-6 bottles of liquor from the last meeting. We were wondering what he would do with all that hard stuff. It made a second appearance in this auction.

The result of the auction was $1,173.50. Since we don't take change, someone donated $0.50 to round off the take as $1,174. Once again, the chapter Treasurer thanks the many who participated in donating money to the Chapter Bank Account.

And in the ordinary event of earthly things, Sunday follows Saturday and the end of the gathering. As in the event of humanly things, we gathered in the dining room for breakfast and coffee and bid each other a safe journey home.

Our next meeting is undecided at this time. Ridge volunteered to host a meeting in Alabama but was afraid the driving distance for many of the members would be too far. Ron Bruce had mentioned his willingness to host a meeting in Knoxville if there were no other takers. So our President will chat with Ron, and a date and time will be forthcoming. The Chapter website:, will have the information on the forum as it becomes known.

As always, Chapter XXXIII welcomes any member of the SFA family to join us at our meetings. We ask the guest to search out Robert Smith, our President, and introduce himself.

A few photos were taken and are placed on this page for your viewing pleasure.

Remember! Our meetings are BYOB (Bring Your Own Booze). Chapter XXXIII no longer furnishes the hard stuff. All alcoholic beverages are the responsibility of each member. The Chapter will provide ice, soft drinks, and water.

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