Sid Morgan and Bill Phipps were once again hosts for our Fall Chapter get together which, like our last meeting at Chez Sid, they promised another fish fry. And, like last time, they spent weeks, maybe even months, on the shores of the Great Lakes trolling for the perfect Walleye. When they were done they had over 100 pounds of perfectly proportioned Walleye. Well, maybe not 100 pounds but enough pounds to satisfy even the hungriest member of our Chapter.
The agenda was simple---Friday, sign-in for your room. 1630 (Central Time) head out to Chez Sid for the evening meal. Help yourself to a buffet of hush puppies (homemade), deep-fried Walleye filets, slaw (home made), and a selection of fine wines, premium beers, and soft drinks. The finishing touch was home baked blueberry cobbler and ice cream.
Saturday---The hospitality room opened at 1000 hours. Hostess Beth Morgan arrived shortly before noon with the fixings for lunch. a variety of meats, chips, breads and condiments.
There were’t enough members present for a quorum so it was an informative meeting only. The main item up for discussion was where to have the Winter meeting. By voice vote it was decided to make a return engagement, our 4th or 5th return engagement, to the Park Vist Hotel in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. The date for this meeting is the weekend of 26-28 January, 2018. The particulars for this January meeting can be found on the Chapter website Bulletin Board.
You may remember our last winter meeting held at the Park Vista ended in the snow storm of the century and as a result, very few members were present. Those that were in attendance had an abundance of food from the Chapter dinner on Saturday. Let’s hope there will not be a repeat of the January 2016 snow event.
A big tip of the beret to Sid and Beth Morgan and Bill Phipps for hosting a great weekend. The work and effort put into this affair resulted in one hell of a great meeting.
As you can see, I have added a few photos of this weekend, my thanks to Rose Daves for sending me the CD. You can view them at your leisure.
Thanks, Sid, Beth and Bill for a job well done.
See you in Gatlinburg, Tennessee in January 2018.