Fall Chapter Meeting
17 - 19 October 2003
Chapter 33's Fall Meeting was about to take place...and it was good.
As more and more troops pulled into the parking lot of the now famous Chalet Hotel, the clouds dispersed even further until, around 1600 the skies overhead were clear and blue and Sol was beaming in all his (or her) finest, fiery glory.
Ah, yes! Cleveland, Tennessee had settled into a weekend of the perfect Indian Summer.
The hospitality room was packed! Was this truly Chapter 33’s hospitality room or had we been transformed to another place? Might this room be the hospitality room at the National Convention? Our hospitality room hadn't seen this many troops pushing up to the bar in a long, long, time. What was the occasion? Oh, yes. The troops were here to see the outstilation (a new word) of the old President and his group and the installation (as on nailed to the cross) of our new one (and his group). But, like always, I'm getting ahead of myself.
We drank. We chatted. We drank. We munched the munchies and we drank. In the end we nominated Judy Hines and the ex-pres, Jim Hash, as Designated Drivers (that took care of 8-10 people) and away we flew to that famous steakhouse---the Cleveland American Legion.
Here we would spend a few enjoyable hours whiling away the time listening to the melodic voices of the karaoke singers as we partook in our meals of flesh, fish and snails.
Then it was back to the Chapter hospitality room for a few more nightcaps and a few more stories. And sometime, in the wee, wee hours of the morning, the last of the die-hards retreated to their rooms for a few hours of blissful (well maybe it would be better described as drunken) sleep.
And day one ended and it was good.
Saturday opened with Ole Man Sol beaming brightly overhead. His warmth spread over the city and it was good. The morning and day of the second day had begun…
People gathered from far and wide to do homage and partake of the food baskets from the Cracker Barrel restaurant. They enjoyed this Indian Summer because they knew dark, gloom and despair would soon return.
Our 1400-hour meeting didn’t start at 1400 hours. So we didn’t synchronize our watches! So we failed to cross the IP at the right time! So if this had been 6 June 1944 this might have had some dire effects. Today, fifty-nine years later, missing an IP by a few hours was really nothing to get upset about.
The minutes from the last meeting were ratified. The election results for new officers were ratified. The financial statement was ratified. Old business and new business were ratified. The locations of the next three meetings were also ratified. We even ratified the closing of the meeting. Ole Man Sol was out in all his (or her) glory and we were in a ratifying mood.
Bennie and Margie McDonald performed the MIA/POW presentation. It was a moving and memorial presentation and should be required at all official Special Forces Association gatherings. I'm in the process of trying to set up a special page for this presentation. Bear with me and I'll let you know when I finish it.
After dinner none other than our At-large Legal Authority, Bert Bates, swore in our new officers. The rank and file members were mumbling things like coups and impeachments, but our At-large legal Authority, Bert Bates, made it clear there could be no coups or impeachments for at least three months. That would be about the time of the next meeting.
Our newly elected president, Art McRae, presented a plaque to our out-going president, Jim Hash, for a job well done. And, as much as it bemoans me to admit, Jim did do an outstanding job as president these last two years. I know, I know. He bought (and sold) a Lincoln Towncar and is now the proud parent of a 2003 GMC loaded truck. At least he kept the meetings to a minimum of 5-10 minute (we were in the ratifying mood during his tenure also).
Chuck Henderson won the shawl that Judy Hines crocheted and he will wear it at all future meetings. I must admit he does look like a very patriotic Whistlers Mother.
Then, to close out the evening meal, our newly elected president covered the internment ceremony of our chapter namesake, Major Larry A. Thorne. Larry was finally laid to rest in Arlington Cemetery last month. A number of the members reminisced about the old times they spent with Larry. It was a fitting closure to our dinner time activities.
The troops retired to the hospitality room for a few nightcaps and story telling. And the second day ended. And it was good…
Ole Man Sol met Sunday with open arms and brilliant smile. And it was good. Then long shadows spread across the fair city of Cleveland as the clouds flitted across the sky, now and then blocking the rays of Ole Man Sol. The grays and blacks moved in from the West as more and more troops departed this AO. The winds, out of the west, grew stronger and the brave citizens of Cleveland retreated back into their homes as Sol was forced from view. Like the Land of the Midnight Sun, Cleveland would plunge into darkness for another three months.
Chapter 33 had closed its hospitality room. The troops had departed. Darkness filled the void.
It was the end of day three…and it was bad.
And now, thanks to the quick eye and nimble fingers of our unofficial photographer, you can wonder through these chapter photos. Enjoy yourself!